Learning Center Tour

We welcome tours daily! Schedule a time to see our learning center and our party options. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Schedule a Tour at Play Towne Learning Center.

We provide tours in person. Provide the information below to ensure that we are able to maintain secure facilities while also providing a very informative tour. Please be sure to include the names of those that will be attending the tour with you (be sure to bring photo ID). We take the safety of the children in our care very seriously and while we strive to meet the needs of our future families, safety is always number 1. We will contact you to confirm.

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We had a great experience at Play Towne, both as a single day visitor and as a participant in their summer program.

A friend of mine told me about Play Towne because she was so impressed by how clean they kept the facilities for the kids.

I took my 4 year old son there for a play date and signed up for their mailing list. I found out through their emails that they offer summer programs- something I was looking for since most summer programs weren’t offering anything for children under 5.

We did 4 weeks of summer sessions with Play Towne and my son loved it. Their art activities were heavily involved and well thought out. We still keep the crafts that he made there.

They also did really well with facilitating his potty breaks and encouraging him to wash his hands before mealtime and after using the restroom.

We are very thankful for Play Towne for providing a foundation of play-based learning for our son at such a critical time. Since this was the summer before he started Transitional Kindergarten, we believe he did so well during his first days at school because of his experience at Play Towne.